Current Group Members

Collaborators (Past and Present)

Neil Cashman
Department of Medicine, Division of Neurology, UBC
Protein misfolding and propagation in neurodegenerative disease,
Cecilia Clementi
Computational Biophysics, Free University of Berlin
Protein folding mechanism
Eric Jan
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, UBC
Viral evolution of SARS-CoV-2
Andriy Kovalenko
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Alberta
Protein misfolding in Amyotropic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
Honglin Luo
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, UBC
Pandemic preparedness using mutation resistant vaccines and antibodies
Joerg Rottler
Soft Condensed Matter and Computational Material Physics, UBC
Computational force spectroscopy
Nobu Tokuriki
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, UBC
Viral evolution of SARS-CoV-2

Group Alumni

Post-Doctoral Researchers

Erik AbrahamssonDr. Abrahamsson received his Ph.D. in Chemistry from Göteborg University in Sweden. He is a co-author of our BioVEC molecular visualization software.
Atanu DasDr. Das is interested in Protein folding, misfolding and aggregation, as well as DNA modification and repair. Dr. Das completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the group of Dmitrii E. Makarov at UT Austin, Department of Chemistry and is currently at the CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory.
Reza EjtehadiDr. Ejtehadi is interested in soft condensed matter physics, biological macromolecules, complex systems, and simulations and computational physics. He is currently a Professor at Sharif University.
Mahdi GhelichiProtein misfolding and dysregulation in cancer. Dr. Ghelichi is currently a Data Scientist at Globalive Technology.
Yuri GusevDr. Gusev received his Ph.D. in Mathematical Physics from the University of Manitoba; his current research at Perimeter Institute involves quantum gravity.
Mona HabibiSimulation of mechanically-induced protein unfolding and monomerization for misfolding-prone proteins, mhabibi(at)
(Supervised jointly with Prof. Joerg Rottler) Dr. Habibi is currently a Data Scientist at Data Scientist, Finning International.
Daniel LuesebrinkDimer binding affinity calculations for SOD1; approach to equilibrium
Luke McAlary
Molecular interplay of liquid-liquid phase separation and pathogenic aggregation of TDP43 in ALS. Dr. McAlary is currently the Bill Gole MND Australia Post Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Wollongong.Protein science; Molecular mechanisms in cancer (February – August 2017)
Eric MillsDensity functional theory of solvation; protein unfolding thermodynamics. Dr. Mills is currently the Managing Editor, Journal of the American Chem. Society, Chem. Reviews, and Accounts of Chem. Reviews
Xubiao PengEnergy landscape theory for protein misfolding: applications to ALS and cancer. Dr Peng is currently an Associate Professor at the Beijing Institute of Technology.
Corina StewartSARS-Cov-2 Evolution (Supervised jointly with Eric Jan)

Sabbatical Visitors

Prof. Hector Dominguez
Materials Science Institute,
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Metal-protein interactions (August 2015 – July 2016)
Peter Lenz
Center for Synthetic Microbiology,
University of Marburg, Germany
Protein science; Molecular mechanisms in cancer (February – August 2017)
Apichart Linhananta
Lakehead University, Canada
Osmolyte-Induced Protein Stability (January – July 2009)

Visiting Research Students

Kyra BouldingQuest University exchange student, Ctenophore transgenic system (October – November 2018)
Benjamin HiltonImperial College London, Protein-protein interactions (July – August 2018)
Matthias HuberEidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Mechanisms of protein folding (June 2004 – April 2005)
Mark NijlandWageningen University Netherlands, First-principles dimer binding calculations for SOD1 and other proteins (June – December 2019)

Graduate Students (PhD and MSc)

Aina AdekunleComputational protein misfolding
Vibudh AgrawalAlgorithmic discovery of genetic regulatory elements
Charlotte BarclayCell differentiation and development in ctenophores
Si ChenStatistical mechanics of graphs and emergent manifolds, quantum gravity
Gabriel Dall’AlbaCell differentiation and development in ctenophores
John DupuisSaponsin-like protein-membrane interactions (Co-supervised with Rickey Yada)
Miguel GarciaMagnetic sensing proteins
Pranav GargCell differentiation and development in ctenophores
William GuestMisfolding and aggregation in prion protein and SOD1 (M.D./Ph.D. Program) (Co-supervised with Neil Cashman)
Shirin HadizadehOsmolyte effects on protein stability
Tiam HeydariTheory of liquid-liquid phase separation, Mechanisms of germ cell specification in early metazoans
Rawnak HoqueBioinformatics of cancer expression data
Shawn HsuehComputational protein misfolding
Todd KilstromComputational Protein misfolding; Protein stability and instability (Co-supervised with Neil Cashman)
Eric MillsDensity functional theory of solvation; protein unfolding thermodynamics.
Ali MohazabHigh-dimensional distance metrics, applications to protein folding (Ph.D. Program)
Alex Morriss-AndrewsRigid body simulations of coarse-grained DNA (Co-supervised, with Joerg Rottler, Physics)
Baris OztopProtein folding rates and mechanisms
Alena ShmygelskaEnergy parameters and search algorithms for protein structure prediction (Co-supervised, with Holger Hoos, Comp. Sci.)
Kai XiaoViral evolution of SARS-CoV-2 (Co-supervised with Nobu Tokuriki)

Graduate Rotation Students – GSAT Program

Matthew BundalaMolecular dynamics techniques
Hannah-Ruth EngelbrechtMaintenance and Aquaculture of Ctenophore lab system; Ctenophore genome sequencing
Min FengMolecular dynamics simulation and visualization
Kathryn LandeCtenophore transgenic system
Mariah LumpaAnnotated Jupyter notebook of genome assembly algorithm
Megan WolfMaintenance and Aquaculture of Ctenophore lab system; Ctenophore genome sequencing

Undergraduate Researchers

Stefan AvallLarge- scale simulations of protein folding with implicit many-body Hamiltonians
Gurbir BhanguGenetics of differentiation in ctenophores
Kyle BowerSteiner minimal networks in high-dimension
Christopher ChangGenetics of stem cell niches in C-elegans
Alvin CheungOsmolytes and protein stability
Sebastian CogswellMany-variable analysis of determinants of protein folding rates
Matthew CookeSOD1 thermomechanical stability
Philip EdgcumbeStructure and Chirality in computational models of DNA
John FloresDimer stability of superoxide dismutase and ALS
Zach HamiltonDisordered protein ensembles; membrane bound proteins
Johanna HansenSingle molecule gene sequencing by nano-pore translocation
Johnathan HoggarthTDP-43 liquid-liquid phase separation and stress granule formation in ALS
Justin HsuSimulation tests of protein folding mechanisms
Derek InmanMolecular dynamics simulations of superoxide dismutase misfolding
Lana KashinoCtenophore transgenic system, transcription factor binding
Benjamin LindnerInteraction potentials for protein structure prediction
JinYuan LiuComputational genome annotation
Connor MeehanStatistical mechanics of Steiner networks
Brian NgGene search problems in transciption
Sebastian OhseEffects of confinement and osmolyte concentration on protein stability
Gene PolovyEnergetic analysis of alpha-spectrin repeat proteins
David RudkoProtein-DNA binding; Gene finding
Mine SherExperimental protein misfolding, Ctenophore transgenic system (UBC Co-op student, Jointly supervised with Neil Cashman)
Brian SinUnfolded protein ensembles; protein folding kinetics
Kaye Soriano Co-Op Student- Viral evolution of SARS-CoV-2
Kwinten Van GassenProtein energetics and loop entropy
Brent WathenProtein structure prediciton
Brittany WelshMolecular genetics; evolution
Oscan XiaComputational protein misfolding and aggregation
Jim XuProtein Dimer Binding Free Energy Calculations
Christopher YearwoodSimulations of coarse-grained DNA with rigid-body molecular dynamics
Rachel ZhaoNovel therapeutic targets for intrinsically-disordered, prion-like proteins involved in Alzheimer’s and ALS
Jacqueline Zheng-LinAnimal husbandry of ctenophores, rotifers, and copepods (UBC Co-op student)
Anna ZhinitskyDevelopmental genetic networks in ctenophores